Kunal Kemmu celebrated his 40th birthday in the Maldives. The actor was accompanied by his wife Soha Ali Khan and their daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu. Soha, who has been sharing updates of her getaway on Instagram, gave us a sneak peek of the dinner date set-up. First, the actress shared a snap of the menu, which was specially customised for Kunal’s birthday celebration. We could spot an array of scrumptious dishes that the guests would enjoy. Allow us to walk you through it.
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First, we have appetisers, and spiced pumpkin soup takes the first spot. It is followed by coral reef tuna ceviche, and Kandima’s fresh lab salad, which includes mixed green leaves, cherry tomatoes, avocado, shaved cucumber, radish, toasted almonds, grapes, and lemon vinaigrette. Next, we have Caesar salad temptations with prawns. And, for little Inaaya, the menu had the “kid’s favourite creamy tomato soup with croutons.”
Does it not sound yummy and fulfilling? Well, hold on. The main course awaits you. It started with an aquatic medley platter, which consisted of grilled rock lobster, tiger prawns, baby octopus, green lip mussels, squid and reef fish fillet. Half BBQ corn-fed chicken, which was hickory smoked with Belizean marinade, was featured on the menu too. There was also a plateful of braised king trumpet mushrooms, with truffled parsnip puree, sauteed broccolini, and root vegetable jus. Next up, there was Spinach and ricotta ravioli consisting of finger millet ravioli, Roma tomato and basil sauce, parmesan, and some fresh herbs. The Bambino preference included homemade chicken nuggets, BBQ mayo and hand-cut fries. “Dinner… The Kunal way,” Soha captioned the post.
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The dinner was set up on the beach, with yellow lights, red roses, and some balloons. “The stage is set,” Soha wrote, as she shared a picture of the dinner set up. We could also spot little Inaaya in the frame.
Before this, Soha Ali Khan wished her husband by sharing his picture along with his fancy floating meal. It featured fresh fruits, oats, omelette, and fresh juices among many other things. Soha added a “Happy Birthday” gif. “And how to swim,” read the caption of the post.
Kunal Kemmu is known for his roles in Kalyug, Kalank, Raja Hindustani, Golmaal series and Lootcase.
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