New Delhi: Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Wednesday said that Bulldozer in MP works as per law and not Congress’ demand. Mishra was reacting to demand for bulldozer action against urination case accused Pravesh Shukla, who was arrested earlier today for peeing on a tribal man. The incident took place in Kubri village in the district and the viral video shows the accused allegedly drunk peeing on the face of the man. Congress has been agressively targeting the BJP over the alleged links of the accused with the ruling party.
“The accused (Pravesh Shukla) was arrested last night. He is in the lock-up and strict action has been taken against him. CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that NSA will be registered against him. Bulldozer does not work according to Congress, it works according to law,” news agency ANI quoted Narottam Mishra as saying.
#WATCH | Sidhi viral video: Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra, says “The accused (Pravesh Shukla) was arrested last night. He is in the lock-up and strict action has been taken against him. CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that NSA will be registered against him.…
— ANI MP/CG/Rajasthan (@ANI_MP_CG_RJ) July 5, 2023
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Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said on Tuesday that he has ordered the harshest punishment for the accused in the incident. CM Chouhan said that the state government will not let him go and his punishment will be a lesson for everyone.
Also Read: Who Is MP’s Pravesh Shukla? Man Seen Urinating On Tribal In Viral Video
“I have instructed to give the accused the strictest punishment. It should be a moral lesson for everyone. We won’t spare him. An accused has no religion, caste or party. Accused is an accused,” CM Chouhan said while speaking to media in Bhopal.
Police said that following the chief minister’s order, a case has been filed against the accused at Bahari police station in the district under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 294, 504, section 3(1) ®(s) of SC/ST Act and NSA has also been slapped on him.
The Additional Superintendent of Police of Sidhi, Anjulata Patle, said that the accused is being questioned and legal action will follow soon. “We have taken the accused (Pravesh Shukla) into custody. He is under interrogation. Further legal action in the matter will be taken soon,” ANI quoted ASP Patle as saying.