Monday, July 8, 2024
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HomePolitics'Rebel' Himachal Congress MLAs accuse Chief Minister Sukhu of favoritism, secrecy

‘Rebel’ Himachal Congress MLAs accuse Chief Minister Sukhu of favoritism, secrecy

The nine MLAs include six Congress rebels Sudhir Sharma, Ravi Thakur, Rajinder Rana, Inder Dutt Lakhanpal, Chetanya Sharma and Devinder Kumar Bhutto, and three independents Ashish Sharma, Hoshiyar Singh and K L Thakur.

The MLAs asked Sukhu to come clear on his official visits to Chandigarh in which he stayed at a five star hotel rather than his designated room in Himachal Bhawan.

They questioned the reason behind sending security back from the five star hotel and asked him to tell the public about his hidden agenda.

They said that the MLAs were feeling suffocated and humiliated in the government as the Chief Minister prefers his friends over all others and the circle of friends was dominating the MLAs.

The people of the state also know very well what “cabinet rank friends” are doing in this government and how much loot they have created, the statement added.

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