MS Dhoni is known for his charisma both on and off the field. Every move he makes, every word he says, grabs the headlines. Recently, a video of MSD interacting with T Natrajan’s daughter went viral on social media. After the match between Chennai Super Kings and Sunrisers Hyderabad at Chepauk, MSD was seen having a conversation with Natrajan’s daughter. He offered to shake her hand and even mentioned that he has a daughter of his own. Later, Natrajan, his wife, and his daughter posed for a photo with the CSK captain.
In another heartwarming moment, a video of MS Dhoni playing with K Gowtham’s daughter after their match against Lucknow Super Giants also went viral. These instances show that MSD is not just a cricketing legend but also a loving family man who knows how to connect with people off the field.
A dose of kutty chutties to make your day! __#CSKvSRH #WhistlePodu #Yellove #IPL2023 @Natarajan_91
— Chennai Super Kings (@ChennaiIPL) April 22, 2023
In terms of cricketing achievements, Chennai Super Kings have been on a roll in the TATA Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023. The team has won four of its first six games, with Devon Conway’s 77* and Ravindra Jadeja’s excellent bowling performance being crucial to their recent victory over Sunrisers Hyderabad.
As the season progresses, the absence of Ben Stokes could pose a challenge for the CSK Playing 11. However, with each player in the team producing remarkable performances in the first six games, it remains to be seen if MSD will make any changes to the lineup for their upcoming match against Kolkata Knight Riders.
Overall, MS Dhoni’s charm and his team’s impressive performance have been making headlines in the IPL 2023. And while the cricketing legend’s on-field performances continue to dazzle, his off-field moments show that he is also a great human being who knows how to connect with people from all walks of life.